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The 2019 annual conference was held at the University of Iowa, Iowa City on October 10-11, 2019. Join your student affairs colleagues for a day and a half of peer trainings, camaraderie, and the energy to shift forward into our ever changing professional landscape.


The conference schedule contains four programming sessions, two meals, an evening social, an institutional tour, and the annual ISPA general membership business meeting. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Jonathan Poullard. In addition, we are offering an optional October 10 pre-conference SSAO meeting & training with Dr. Sherry Watt.


A limited number of graduate student waivers are available. Mentoring, resume review, and mock interviewing opportunities are planned for graduate students and new professionals.


To register, visit Conference Reservation.









About the Hotel Block

Where: Iowa House Hotel – Connected to the conference venue

When: Thursday, October 10th, 2019

Block Closes: Thursday, September 26th, 2019

Rates: Business Class Room $95 (Booking online? ISPA group code: 4543)

Includes: One night stay, complimentary breakfast, wifi, and free parking


Schedule Oct 10-11, 2019


    Thursday evening: speaker and dinner

        9:30am - SSAO Meeting

        4:00pm - Registration

        4:30pm - Tour Departs

        5:30pm - Welcome and Keynote

            Welcome from Conference Coordinator

            Welcome from UI Leadership

            Land acknowledgement

            Introduction to Keynote


        6:30pm - Dinner

            Mentorship meet up at dinner

        8:00pm - Social at Genes

    Friday: panel, concurrent sessions, lunch, business meeting, awards

        8:00am-9:00am - Grad Student Professional Development Event

        9:10am - 11:00am - Keynote Workshop

        9:10am-10:00am - Session 1

        10:10am-11:00am - Session 2

        11:10am-12:00pm - Staff Panel

        12:00pm-1:30pm - Lunch and Business meeting/Awards

        1:40pm-2:30pm - Session 3

        2:40pm-3:30pm - Session 4

        3:30pm - 4:00pm - Closing

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